
Tricks used in Scams

Scammers use clever tricks to reel you in and get you to reply to their email or not hang up the phone. Most scams seem like genuine offers but they are carefully designed to trick you into giving away your money or your personal details.

How To Prepare Your Business For The Next Recession

There has been a lot of chatter in the media recently that another economic downturn might be around the corner. As The Wow Company found in their recent “How recession-proof is your business” survey, a surprisingly high number of UK-based businesses are not prepared for the next recession.

Why Does Finance Hate Technology?

You’d be hard-pressed to find an industry less affected by technology than finance. Or should we say more affected given its defensive posture? Whether it’s low-level lending or investing, things are still paper-based and run on bankers’ hours. Recently, Sharesight opened an online brokerage account for testing purposes and we had to go into...