Increase your chances of getting the finance you need and even lower the cost of funding with a high-quality finance application.
Improve your chance of finance with a top-quality application
As your business grows, so too do its financial needs. After all, a financial package that might have been ideal when you started out, can quickly block your ability to develop your business. The first step to taking control of your finances is to be proactive. We’ll help you prepare a detailed three-way forecast for your business so you can organise the right finance package before you need it.
Being prepared gives your bank more confidence in your business and your ability to run it. Your chance of getting finance is also improved by providing high-quality information to support your application. Many finance applications are declined simply because the bank doesn’t have faith in the information it’s been given. Top-quality applications can also help reduce the cost of your funding since the rate of interest is linked directly to how the bank perceives your risk – the higher the risk, the higher the rate. And being unable to give them the information they need won’t convince them to lower your risk margin. Our forecasts also include ‘3-way Reporting’ that a banker loves, but rarely ever gets.